
About Jan Deruiter

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So far Jan Deruiter has created 122 blog entries.

Books for the Tech Lover

2019-12-15T20:20:27+00:00December 9th, 2014|Book Review|

We usually offer a book review in our newletters, but for this holiday issue, we are giving you some gret suggestions for books to give this holiday season. Along with books about technology, we are also featuring some good books [...]

Holiday Tech Gifts

2019-12-15T20:20:27+00:00December 9th, 2014|Tech Tips|

Our Fall newsletter contained two articles on new tablets and new smartphones. Hopefully, these gave you a head start on gift giving for the holidays or a gift for yourself in the new year. Here are some more intersting ideas [...]

The Innovators by Walter Isaacson

2019-12-15T20:20:27+00:00November 19th, 2014|Book Review|

A couple of years ago, we reviewed Walter Isaacson's fascinating biography of Steve Jobs and recommended it as a good read of histosry and technology. Now, Isaacson has shifted his perspective from the account of one person's influence on technology [...]

Newest in Smartphones

2019-12-15T20:20:27+00:00November 19th, 2014|Tech Tips|

Since the early Fall, there have been quite a few new smartphones on the market. With a lot of new releases, this is a good time to assess what new phone or new version works for you. Here is a [...]

Fall Tablets

2019-12-15T20:20:27+00:00November 18th, 2014|Tech Tips|

There has been a lot of buzz about new tablets this Fall, especially from Apple and Google. Here are the offerings from those companies along with other options. They are a good start to updating your devices for the Fall [...]

Website Down? What to Do

2019-12-15T20:20:27+00:00September 9th, 2014|Tech Tips|

A recent article in raised the question of what a business should do when faced with the disaster of its website going down. There have been many high profile accounts in the news recently of big name websites being [...]

Office 365 – What to Know

2019-12-15T20:20:28+00:00March 17th, 2014|Tech Tips|

We are often asked about the benefits of Google Apps vs. Microsoft Office, and the answer is not clear cut. We are certified to offer support for both of these services and advice on which is best for your business, [...]

Watching the Storm, Watching your IT

2015-03-11T00:44:34+00:00February 13th, 2014|Tech Tips|

With today's Nor'easter going into Friday, please be aware that there could once again be power outages and internet outages that could impact your daily business activity. Email services could be affected due to power outages along the northeast corridor, [...]

Can You Fix Your Phone?

2020-05-22T18:58:19+00:00January 27th, 2014|Tech Tips|

I had the unfortunate experience lately, as I am sure many of you have had, of dropping my iPhone. Unfortunately, this phone was dropped into a tub of water for less than ten seconds. On a day where bad was [...]

The Circle by Dave Eggers

2019-12-15T20:20:28+00:00December 16th, 2013|Book Review|

This is the first time we have included a work of fiction in a book review, but since we are listing ideas for the holidays, this novel complements our review of Hatching Twitter. It is about life in the near future [...]

Buying a Laptop

2019-12-15T20:20:28+00:00December 14th, 2013|Tech Tips|

Whether for your business or for holiday gift giving, the end of the year is a time when people often consider purchasing laptops. The choices right now can be overwhelming. There are many options in various price ranges, but it's [...]

Holiday Tech Gifts

2020-05-22T18:58:18+00:00December 13th, 2013|Tech Tips|

We love to offer good tech gifts for the holidays and here are a few that might interest our readers: Amazon Kindle Fire HDX  (around $229)  -  The Amazon Kindle Fire has been a favorite on past lists, but it [...]

IT and Your New Employees

2020-05-22T18:58:17+00:00November 18th, 2013|Tech Tips|

Many companies are back to hiring and while most tend to have handbooks and first-day procedures to ease the onboarding process, many fail to give enough time to the IT transition. A recent report in the Wall Street Journal (10/21/13) highlighted some [...]

The Future of Passwords

2019-12-15T20:20:28+00:00September 25th, 2013|Tech Tips|

We have written previously about password protection and how to keep your password secure and also how to make use of password managers, which are very useful for home and business. There has also been a lot of buzz recently around [...]

Summer Travel Tech Tips

2020-05-22T18:58:18+00:00June 17th, 2013|Tech Tips|

With summer and travel season upon us, we are re-visiting the topic of your IT safety while traveling. These tips are critical to your personal and business IT security. It is practically impossible to travel without a tech device to [...]

Inexpensive Tablets

2019-12-15T20:20:29+00:00March 28th, 2013|Tech Tips|

Our blog has had many posts on the rise of mobile IT in business and the move towards using phones and tablets in support of business needs. We also have written on the increasing necessity for managing mobility in business [...]

Read it Later?

2019-12-15T20:20:29+00:00March 12th, 2013|Tech Tips|

No time to read that article now? How about saving it for later? One of my favorite writing apps is Evernote, which allows you to use either your finger to hand write (yes, that's right!) notes on your tablet rather [...]