With summer and travel season upon us, we are re-visiting the topic of your IT safety while traveling. These tips are critical to your personal and business IT security.
It is practically impossible to travel without a tech device to keep you connected. These items, such as phones, laptops and tablets are easily subject to theft while traveling. Unfortunately, these devices also carry a wealth of private and sensitive information. Your phone, for example, most likely carries apps, such as email, that could contain details of passwords and other information.
Since checked-in baggage offers no guarantee of security, it is best to store your tech items in your carry on. More importantly, you should back up all of your relevant information to an external hard drive or to a cloud data service. There are many cloud services for personal and business use. Businesses can also use an IT Services Provider for cloud storage and security and advice on the best storage service for your organization.
You should also set up passwords for your devices before you travel. Your information is then protected through a passcode if someone gains access to your device.
Lastly, you might consider flights that are more laptop-friendly. Most cross-country flights on airlines such as American, Virgin, Delta, US Airways and United, offer inflight Wi-Fi for a nominal fee. SeatGuru.com can help you find out if your flight offers Wi-Fi and how cramped your seat will be compared to other airlines. Useful information!
We wish you safe travels this summer, and contact us with any questions you may have on tech and travel.
(Tips for this article were found in http://www.zdnet.com/au/travel-tech-security-tips