Cloud computing has become an integral part of IT and is increasingly important to individuals and businesses. It is an especially appealing solution for entrepreneurs and SMBs, because it is cost-effective and efficient. Cloud computing can offer an on-demand infrastructure that can be configured quickly and inexpensively.
Although it is an easy solution for business owners, there are still factors to be aware of when moving to the cloud. Here are some important points made by a recent WSJ article (Hello Cloud-Hello, New Concerns, Feb. 3, 2014.)
- Often, businesses should increase their internet bandwidth when moving to the cloud. Not only download speeds, but also upload speeds are important when storing large amounts of data with online services.
- On-site IT support is still very critical when using the cloud. Many business owners fail to see the importance of hands-on expertise when using a remote service. An IT professional will determine the best cloud options for the business and will also offer support in running local computers and updating all security software and other necessary software.
- The WSJ article pointed out that business owners have to be aware of alll technical matters involving the cloud company’s service. All the details of the cloud services should be documented so that an owner can be fully informed and protected. For example, an IT professional can stay aware of where the data is stored, issues of privacy protection and how information is mined for marketing and how it is encrypted. Very often, these are issues that only an IT professional can determine. The WSJ article quotes Chad R. Paalman, a technology adviser for small businesses as stating, ” If you don’t know what to ask, you may risk finding out the hard way.”
- Lastly, business owners may want to consider having a plan in place to back up critical information in their office. Again, an IT expert can advise on what would be best for your company.
The cloud is here to stay and is a worthwhile avenue for your business. Ask us any questions on support and visit some of our archived blog postings on the cloud for more information.