Book Review

Spring Book Recommendations

2020-05-22T18:58:20+00:00April 9th, 2016|Book Review|

Last week, Terry Gross of NPR, conducted an interview with Dan Lyons, the author of a new book called Disrupted: My Midsadventures in the Start-Up Bubble. The interview was entertaining and thought-provoking, but it also contained intrigue into the world of [...]

Fall Book Recommendations

2020-05-22T18:58:20+00:00October 7th, 2015|Book Review|

Cooler weather evokes thoughts of warming up by the fire, maybe with a good book. Here are a couple of book recommendations that would be interesting to the businessperson or entrepreneur. The Startup Playbook: Secrets Of The Fastest Growing Startups From [...]

Pogue’s Basics

2019-12-15T20:20:27+00:00April 25th, 2015|Book Review|

This book could end up being the tech bible you keep nearby to answer those tech questions that come up and the frustrations you encounter when you are using your devices. It is called Pogue's Basics and is written by David [...]

Books for the Tech Lover

2019-12-15T20:20:27+00:00December 9th, 2014|Book Review|

We usually offer a book review in our newletters, but for this holiday issue, we are giving you some gret suggestions for books to give this holiday season. Along with books about technology, we are also featuring some good books [...]

The Innovators by Walter Isaacson

2019-12-15T20:20:27+00:00November 19th, 2014|Book Review|

A couple of years ago, we reviewed Walter Isaacson's fascinating biography of Steve Jobs and recommended it as a good read of histosry and technology. Now, Isaacson has shifted his perspective from the account of one person's influence on technology [...]

The Circle by Dave Eggers

2019-12-15T20:20:28+00:00December 16th, 2013|Book Review|

This is the first time we have included a work of fiction in a book review, but since we are listing ideas for the holidays, this novel complements our review of Hatching Twitter. It is about life in the near future [...]

To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink

2019-12-15T20:20:29+00:00February 26th, 2013|Book Review|

We have reviewed Daniel Pink's best-selling books in previous blogs, and his latest book, To Sell is Human, is another look at motivation and business in an ever evolving and techological world. It is also a book about the salesman in all [...]

The Makers

2019-12-15T20:20:29+00:00December 6th, 2012|Book Review|

An interesting book choice this holiday season for the person interested in tech, history or business is The Makers by Chris Anderson, the Editor in Chief of Wired Magazine and founder of 3D Robotics, his company based on the philosophy [...]

Imagine by Jonah Lehrer

2019-12-15T20:20:32+00:00June 18th, 2012|Book Review|

Did you know that daydreaming or having ADHD could actually be beneficial to your creativity, which in turn could help you in many careers, such as business, advertising and science? Jonah Lehrer, in his best-seller Imagine, offers such theories, based [...]

Lisa Gansky – The Mesh

2019-12-15T20:20:33+00:00February 16th, 2012|Book Review|

While reading Lisa Gansky's book The Mesh, written in 2010, it struck me that her message is even more relevant in 2012. The concept of the book is that we have entered a new era in business, where many companies [...]

Daniel Pink – Drive

2019-12-15T20:20:33+00:00November 1st, 2011|Book Review|

A new feature of our newsletter, that we will periodically include, is a small book review on a book that contains relevant information or forward thinking for small and medium sized businesses and the world of technology. Please contact us [...]

Walter Isaacson – Steve Jobs

2019-12-15T20:20:33+00:00November 1st, 2011|Book Review|

This issue features a review of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, an appropriate choice for an IT company and one that resonates for many working business or other career paths, aiming to make a difference and achieve excellence. Jobs approached [...]

Youngme Moon – Different

2015-03-11T18:05:18+00:00June 11th, 2011|Book Review|

This newsletter's book review features Different, the bestselling book by Harvard Business School professor, Youngme Moon. She has received numerous awards for her teaching and publications, bringing an entertaining and innovative outlook to the world of business, especially marketing, as [...]