Brian McDonnell, CEO
In each edition of our newsletter, we try to include a profile on one of our Waytek employees to let you learn a little more about them outside of their time here at Waytek. This month, with our focus on Managed Services and our relationship with our customers, we decided that it would be a good time to let you learn more about our CEO, Brian McDonnell.
Brian has years of experience in the tech industry, previously serving as CEO of a software security company and having expertise in the turnaround of IT companies. Brian acquired ownership of Waytek in 2009 and has since been committed to turning the company, which had a long history of serving the IT and security needs of the area, into a leading provider of Managed Services in the tri-state region, specializing in catering to the individual IT needs of small and medium-sized businesses.
Although Brian thrives on little sleep and finding new ways to improve and work on his business, he also makes the effort to find outside interests. Brian is a Phillies and Eagles fan, but his real passion lies in watching his daughter’s field hockey games. From the time both of his daughters were in 2nd grade, Brian was a volunteer field hockey coach for his township’s field hockey program. It was a great way for him to give back and to spend time with his daughters. As it turned out, his youngest daughter is now a college field hockey player, and Brian schedules his Fall weekends to head north and see as many games as he can. For that reason, the Fall has quickly become a favorite time of year.
With his wife and business partner, Anita, Brian has also developed a love of wine collecting and periodically travels on wine-themed vacations. He loves to travel to the Napa area to visit his favorite wineries or discover those less known and off the beaten path. Brian recently traveled to Italy and included some wine tasting along the way. His interest in wine collecting is purely for pleasure, and he considers himself far from snobbish in his wine tastes. Those who know Brian, know that he does everything with the intention of having a good time and enjoying other people’s company. Cheers!