This week, Kim provided a Q & A approach to her weekly Tech Tips on questions she is often asked.
Q: Why should servers be monitored?
A: There are many functions a server performs every minute and it is hard to keep track of all, if not monitored. Many businesses may have only one designated IT person or none at all, and it is difficult for them to keep up with all of the potential server issues on a daily basis. I know as part of the Managed Services (server monitoring) we offer, we can monitor and alert on server downtime, backups, antivirus, disk errors, memory, patches, performance management, down services and much more. We send alerts instantly when these go down, so that we can act on it immediately.
Q: How many tickets do you handle in a day?
A: There could be as many as 50 tickets that I work on in a day. Between the different products we offer support for and our client help desk and managed services tickets, it could easily escalate past that number.
Q: What is your favorite part of technical support?
A: The enjoyment of being able to resolve customer issues in a timely fashion.
(editor’s note: If you have had the pleasure of talking to Kim on the phone, you know how dedicated she is to technical service and how she easily puts everyone at ease.)