Below is our summer travel tech tip from last year. Everything in it holds true for this year. We can’t stress enough how important these points are in securing your cyber security while traveling. Happy travels!
Every year, we post on our blog about safety when traveling with your technology, especially in summer, a popular time to vacation. Most of those tips still hold true, but they are even more critical as cyber security becomes more of a threat. Here is a current list of tips:
- The leading advice every year is to make sure you have a secure and password-protected wifi connection. Using public wifi is the easiest way for a hacker to infiltrate your device and your information. An alternative is to connect to a secure mobile hotspot or to use your VPN on your laptop.
- Biometric tools and encryption are a must when traveling. Consider multi-factor authentication, which in addition to passwords, uses a code via text or email or facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, etc.
- Safely store your devices when traveling.
- Make sure your data is backed up! This is essential whether traveling or working at home or the office. Have a reliable cloud backup provider, where your data is backed at a regular rate, remotely and redundantly.
- Add a security and privacy shield to your browser. Applications that provide this perform website security checks.
- Store all important documents on your device and in the cloud. There are many applications for storing, such as GoogleDocs.
Stay safe this summer and happy travels. Read more on travel tech tips in this previous blog post.