Summer is the most traveled time of the year, and it is highly likely that you will be traveling with your mobile devices, tablets and possibly laptops. We always advise to be aware of security for your devices, and this is especially important while traveling. Here is a list of tips on how to stay cyber safe. (Many of the good pointers are courtesy of and
- Lock down your login – Fortify your online accounts and enable the strongest authentication tools, security keys or one-time codes through an app.
- Keep up to date with your security software. (This is also important when your are not traveling.)
- Make sure all of your devices are password protected.
- Be careful of your privacy and security preferences. Make sure you are comfortable allowing social media to access your location and manage your location services.
- Be smart about WIFI hotspots. Use a VPN or your cellular connection.
- Delete unused apps, which can wear out your battery.
- Turn off WIFI and Bluetooth when you are not using it.
- Never use public computers to log into an account.
- Report stolen, lost or compromised devices.
- Keep devices with you or somewhere secure.
- If using a phone outside of the US, be aware of roaming charges. Contact your carrier for a travel plan.
- Buy power adaptors before you leave the country to charge devices.
- Keep a digital scan of your passport.
- Remember, your laptop will have to be out of a bag when going through security.
Stay safe both personally and technologically this summer!
Click here for more blog posts on cyber security.