It’s the season of summer travel, and it is important to prepare your technology just as you prepare your packing and trip planning. Every year, we emphasize the importance of keeping your technology safe when traveling and vacationing, even when it is easy to let your guard down. Here are a few basic points to remember.

  • Install updates on all of your devices.
  • Connect safely. Use cellular connections when making online purchases or make sure your WIFI connection is safe.
  • Make sure you update your passwords and use multi-factor authentication. This is more important  than ever.
  • Keep your devices close to you at all times and don’t leave unattended.
  • Back up your data!

Here are a couple of gadgets you might find helpful for traveling. (more electronics listed here.)

The Verizon Jet Pack MiFi 8800L

This device is only $8 but you have to purchase a separate data plan from Verizon. It provides strong WIFI while traveling and connects up to 15 devices. It works in over 200 countries and has a battery that lasts a full day.


Anker 325 Power Bank      

This is a portable charger that retails from around $35 to $50.  It is very reliable and can charge two devices at once.


Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions and enjoy your summer!

Click here to read a previous post on tech and travel.