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Website Down? What to Do

2019-12-15T20:20:27+00:00September 9th, 2014|Tech Tips|

A recent article in raised the question of what a business should do when faced with the disaster of its website going down. There have been many high profile accounts in the news recently of big name websites being [...]

Read it Later?

2019-12-15T20:20:29+00:00March 12th, 2013|Tech Tips|

No time to read that article now? How about saving it for later? One of my favorite writing apps is Evernote, which allows you to use either your finger to hand write (yes, that's right!) notes on your tablet rather [...]

Diversify Your IT Security!

2019-12-15T20:20:33+00:00January 26th, 2012|Tech Tips|

This week, Fox news published an informative article (January 26, 2012, on the state of cyber security. The popular security product, Symantec, had to advise customers to disable one of its products after hackers had stolen underlying code powering [...]

Gone Phishing

2015-03-11T19:41:43+00:00August 22nd, 2011|Tech Tips|

Not to be confused with summer fishing, "phishing" in the tech world is a different story, and an important one to know. We often get questions about phishing filters. A phishing filter can be a component of a web browser [...]