There is some chatter on the internet right now predicting “768K Day,” which would be similar to the 512K Day of August 12, 2014, that caused outages all over the world and billions in damage. The predicted 768K day is supposed to occur in the coming months. The original day in 2014 happened, because routers ran out of memory for storing the global BGP routing table of a file that holds the IPv4 addresses of all known internet-connected networks. On that day, outages occurred after Verizon added 15,000 BGP routes that couldn’t be handled by the system.
It is doubtful that 768K will cause the extent of damage that occurred in 2014, mainly because companies are aware of the precautions they need to take. Our advice is to update old routers immediately. Ask your MSP provider if they have done a full network scan recently. An MSP should check the age of routers and/or ensure that the firmware updates have been completed. It is a good idea to have this done periodically to look for open ports or any other network weaknesses the could open your network to performance issues or security vulnerability.
Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns about your vulnerability and security. (Go to to read more on 768K Day.)